Trimester 3 Data Structures

Test Prep

Daily Schedule: 1 days left till AP Exam

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Study Practice Tests Study Study Practice Free Response Questions
AP Computer Science A Unit 4 Do unit 4: Iterations in workbook as well Take 2 practice test online or from the workbook. Try to do test corrections ansd understand your mistakes. Focus on iteration and class structure (topics that I struggle on myself AP Computer Science Unit 5 and 6 Wtach his videos, understand the key concepts, take notes on what you think is important and things that might come up on the test. Also do units 5 and 6 from the work book and make sure that you understand the information. Get the practice quizzes done as well AP Computer Science Unit 7 and 8 Wtach his videos, understand the key concepts, take notes on what you think is important and things that might come up on the test. Also do units 5 and 6 from the work book and make sure that you understand the information. Get the practice quizzes done as well Find as many practice test as you can online to ensure the most success possible. try implenting all your pracxtitice FRq’s that you do into a so you can get even more practice. try to find stuff from the recent years so it can be closest to the actuasl test

Study Guide

Sample Study Guide » This is the model of what my study guide will look like. Currently in progress of making my own study guide, But this is what I worked on during trimester one and it has covered all the material regarding the units and what they are lookingb for the the AP Exam. It has noted of all of the tech talks from the year and my mc corrections from each unit. This can help jogg my memory and help me better prepare for the AP Exam.

My Moto: Keys to my success and what I stand by

Something that will be crucial for me to do well on AP exams is participating well on the assignments assigned to us in class and focusing on understanding as much about Java code as it is possible for me because it will all come in handy later when I do take the exam

Also, I will begin to review each of the progress check multiple-choice (MC) that we did in the first trimester because they did a great job of testing us on relevant content that will be on the AP exam in the future. This will help me understand each of the unit’s key concepts and have better preparation for the AP Exam. Furthermore, using the journal that we have from 1stt and 2nd trimester, we will be able to learn from previous mistakes. (looking at collegeboard).

Lastly, I will review all of the frqs we did last trimester and redo them so I can make sure I retained all of the knowledge I learned last trimester -> this will not only help me practice for the type of questions on the AP EXAM but also reinforce content I am not confident in I will follow these steps each week and do it with my team members so we can hold each other accountable if we skip a day.

Test Prep AP Exam Work: 2015 Free Reqsponse Questions

This is tangibles showing my progress and wrok preparing for the AP exam AP Exam FRQ number one

2015 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

Here are the listed questions that either I made mistakes on or thought were really good questions to review for practice: Completed 27/40 when doing the test. Was able to correct all my mistakes ans decided to show extra ones that I wasn’t able to get to when doing the exam the first time

Question 6, Multiple Choice Practice: Substring method and boolean question 6

When looking at the question above, it is asking to return true when either one of the strings have the substring “art” within thier spefic string. However, when the method is intialized and ran through, we can see that all the strings are being concatenated together, and thus, this is cuasing an debug error in the code (for the right answer choice). For the right answer choice, the code runs, but when we combine the strings, then we see that the substring art comes, when combinign words 2 and 3, rather than the words being seperated.

Question 14, Multiple Choice Practice question 14

When looking at the if and else if statments of the code, it works as intended, for the most part; reutrning the biggest interger out of the 3 when entered into the constructor. However, we can see that if the values of a and b are equal to each other, then c will always be resulted as the higest value, no matter what value c is. Becuase of how the if statement is set up, we can see that a is never going to be greater than b and vice versa, causing it to move towards the else statement, not meeting the requirements for the if loops, and this cuases an error.

Question 16, Multiple Choice Practice question 14

The loop works in a way in that it tries to find the largest value of the matrix and return it back to the user. Well.. somewhat? Yeah. So basically, when looking at the code, we can see that it is constanly comparing index’s values from the previous index and trying to find the largest value with the corresponding index, and thus when we are runniong the code, the return statment, will return the y value, and since y is being incremented by ++, we are seeing that it is changing by 1, which means that it would return the index value (or column) value of the 2-d array for which the highest value is located in.

Question 31, Multiple Choice Practice question 14

This is just iteration at its finest. We are iterating through multiple loops and nested loops to create the board down below. As you run through and follow the code, it is crucial to write down what is happening in every step, which values are being incremented and chnaged in the loops as is goes on and on (iteration), to get the end result that is going to be outputed. Option e is correct in this situaiton, and just through one iteration of the loops, you can knock out some options as the 2-d array board at [0,0] starts with an O.

Question 35, Multiple Choice Practice question 14

This is just iteration at its finest. We are iterating through multiple loops and nested loops to create the board down below. As you run through and follow the code, it is crucial to write down what is happening in every step, which values are being incremented and chnaged in the loops as is goes on and on (iteration), to get the end result that is going to be outputed.

2020 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

2020 AP Exam question

#### I did artihmetic math wrong. Just plain and simple. Remember to check pemdas rules and see what is being turned into a double and what is being chnaged. You have to take your time, but be at an efficent pace.

2nd question

#### I followed the for loop wrong, I only did half of the iteration of the for loop, and didnt check the 2nd half case. This is a very easy question to do and I should have orginally got this write Argh.

3rd Question

#### I did artihmetic math wrong. Just plain and simple. Remember to check pemdas rules and see what is being turned into a double and what is being chnaged. You have to take your time, but be at an efficent pace. Worst mistake I ever made.

4th question

#### We needed to create a return type, or then nothing will be printed. Thus my answer is just plain out wrong. You can actually turn an interger into a double value.


#### My answer is partially correct, however, what I did is that I uncled the value 20 in my answer, having to many values when it wants just 0 and 10. I should have been more careful and more catious of reading questions for the situation.,